As technology continues to advance, there has never been a better time to obtain mortgage leads than this current time. Rewind to 30 years ago, mortgage brokers, realtors and other professionals in the industry depended on their local newspapers to get their leads. Most would have to call the newspaper by Sunday in order to have their ads run in the paper for the next week. This was also one of the way real estate professionals networked with each other. However, in this second decade of the 21st century, these professionals can use Facebook advertising for mortgage leads.
In fact, if you are a loan officer and you are not currently using Facebook as a tool to gather new leads, you are leaving money on the table. If there are over 60 percent of Americans who are current homeowners, and close to 40 percent of Americans are looking to buy a home, it is a high probability that you could find potential leads simply by going through your friend’s list on Facebook.
Statistics have shown that at any given time, 3 percent of all adults who are online are actively looking to purchase a home. This means that you have to get in front of your audience whenever you are online so that 3 percent will know you can help them secure a mortgage loan.
So, what is the best way to find valuable leads through Facebook? The following guide will show you how to quickly and easily close the gap between you and your competitors.
Facebook As A Search Engine
Before we begin, it is important to understand that people are always searching Facebook for information. This means that potential clients and customers are also searching for information, including who to contact for a mortgage loan. Not to be confused with SEO for Mortgage Leads a quality Facebook campaign can certainly generate leads for a mortgage business.
Even if they are not directly looking for the information when they are online, with the right timing and the right advertising, potential clients will be enticed to click on your ad just because you caught their attention.
Remember, as a whole, consumers are now turning to social media before they make purchases. For many, Facebook is not just another social media platform, it is also one of the primary ways people spend time online. So, if you want to attract the best mortgage leads, you will need to understand how to use Facebook advertising for mortgage leads.
The Basics Of Facebook Advertising
There is no need to worry if you have spent more time in the mortgage world than the digital marketing world. Facebook ads are not complicated once you understand the steps and tips that are available.
However, there are some terms that are very important to know and understand. Targeting is used in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and you target your clicks based on searches. On Facebook, you will focus on targeting Facebook users.
Choosing the right image for your ad will certainly get your potential client’s attention. It is important to utilize strong image selection when creating your ads.
Another important aspect of your ad will be the headline. You may hear the term ‘writing copy’ when learning about Facebook ads, but that simply means the actual writing of the ad.
Your campaign will be the objective under which your ads will fall under. Each ad is part of your campaign to help drive leads to your website’s landing pages.
How To Create An Ad
To begin creating your ad, simply click on your account, “Create Ad”. You will then need to click on ‘Create Campaign’. Under this selection, you are asked what your goal is. You want to do more than simply boost your post, you want to drive traffic to your website. For this reason, you will want to increase the number of conversions on your website.
You will also need to determine who your target audience is. You can narrow this done by:
- Location
- Interests
- Behaviors
- Demographics
Although there are many more sub-levels, this is an overview you can use so you can see how specific you can be with your audience. Keep in mind that the longer you take to narrow down your target audience, the better your conversions will be.
Once you have your target audience, you will need to think about the message you are trying to convey. You will want to an ad that is visibly enticing with the right types of buzzwords along with a CTA (call to action) that is compelling.
Also, keep in mind that more people search for the term ‘real estate’ than they do for the term ‘mortgage’. Do not create all of your ads from the mortgage angle. For example, you can use terms like:
- Foreclosure lists
- Coming soon
- Market reports
- Real estate listings
- Community guides
These are all terms that will get people more excited about your ads than simply talking about loan applications and interest rates. As you become more comfortable with using Facebook advertising for mortgage leads, you will see an increase in conversions and your bottom line.
At Local Blitz, we know this process can be confusing and frustrating, but we are here to help. As Facebook Ad experts, we are familiar with the platform and have run a large variety of campaigns for different clients. If you need someone to consult to increase your mortgage leads, or just want somewhere to take care of this for you, Local Blitz has you covered. Reach out to us today.