Google Micro Moments – using them for LOCAL marketing

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Google Micro Moments – 2017 is here!

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Using Google Micro-Moments for LOCAL digital marketing

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What is a Google Micro-Moment?

As defined by Think With Google a Google Micro-Moment is “Micromoments occur when people reflexively turn to a device—increasingly a smartphone—to act on a need to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something. They are intent-rich moments when decisions are made and preferences shaped.”

So what does this really mean?  Well, we are all in business to typically create a solution to a problem right?  Using Micro-Moments as part of your digital strategy ensures that you are positioned correctly to solve a problem when someone is looking for answers.  For example when someone Googles “oil change near me” – they are obviously looking for a solution to the problem of needing an oil change.  Micro-Moments are focused on solving these problems and if you position yourself correctly, you will be the one solving those problems as it relates to your business.




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Some Considerations About Micro Moments (all states from

  1. 29% os smartphone users will navigate immediately away from a page if it does not solve their exact problem or does not suit their needs
  2. Slow page load time is a big deterrent – this is a result of bad hosting and images that are too big.  Also – embedding videos directly on your site is a BIG no no.  House them on youtube or somewhere else and use the link from that provider…trust me!
  3. A non-mobile website another big deterrent – this is a big one for a variety of different reasons, but obviously if your site is not easily navigable on mobile you are losing out because most of this search volume is on mobile devices.


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Examples of Google Micro-Moments

So now that we have a basic understanding of Google Micro-Moments, it is probably still unclear what exactly these are.  It can be summed up with the four questions below.  How do these questions relate to your local business or product?  If you can effectively answer these questions and put together a viable strategy to add value whenever one of these micro-moments is happening, you will be getting in front of the right audience every time, looking for a solution to a problem that you have already solved with your product or service.

I want to know

How to cook Indian Food….

In this example, there are a variety of different businesses that could potentially capitalize on this type of micro-moment search.  Could be cooking classes, spice sales, cooking utensil sales, etc etc etc.

I want to go

I want to go to Germany.

Another example where multiple businesses could get in front of the right people.  Airlines, Travel websits, Tour Guides, etc

I want to buy

I want to buy a rug….use your imagination 🙂

I want to do

I want to skydive….

I want to quit smoking…

I want to lose weight….



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Where to Start with Micro-Moments

While this is just the surface of what it takes to implement this type of strategy, I always encourage people to search competitors first and see what types of micro-moments their businesses help to solve.  After this, answer the questions for your own business based off of this information.  How am I different and how can I more effectively solve this problem and turn it into revenue for my business.

Long story short – it can be a rather complex thing to implement, but first things first, get the questions answered that need to be answered.  Make sure that you are adding value by getting in front of the right people and this can be an extremely effective supplement to your existing digital strategy.  Good luck in 2017!!


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