How Much Video Marketing Is Your Brand Doing Right Now?
If the answer is zero, then it’s time to start. By not taking advantage of the power of video, you’re going to be missing out on one of the biggest marketing trends set to begin in 2017. In fact, according to Entrepreneur, by 2019 80% of online content will be video. That’s a pretty hard to believe statistic. None the less it should not go silently as another random stat. Smart marketers know you need to jump on any new valuable information. You might be wondering why video is becoming such a big thing? Anyone with an access to the internet knows there’s still no shortage of written content and social media being produced every minute of the day. To really understand why video is set to blow up, Local Blitz Marketing has broken it down in this insightful blog article.
Time Spent Online
It should come as no big surprise that the amount of time people are spending online has grown quite exponentially over the years. With the creation of smartphones and tablets, plus the extreme growth of streaming sites like Netflix and Hulu, more and more people are watching online content than ever before. If you look at the numbers, you can really see just how much of this breakdown leans towards video. Take a look at this graph from eMarketer:
The average user is spending nearly of 2 hours per day watching video online. While every digital medium has been growing since 2011, none have grown as much as digital video. It beats social networks, digital radio, and even Facebook. This is great information for us marketers who are looking to find new channels to reach their customers that make a big impact and aren’t incredibly expensive. This new video trend has caused more and more sites are incorporating video within them. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have all implemented video options on their sites and apps. Social media giants have also been exploring live streaming options to boost user reach even more. Video content, particularly on social media channels like Instagram and Snapchat has provided marketers with an amazingly unique way to reach their consumers. Video feels much more personal to potential consumers and get them more involved. This is why video content on social media can have a much higher level of engagement than other types of marketing.
The Power of YouTube
The growth of YouTube can really be cited as the turning point in the rise of digital video. YouTube has helped push the dramatic rise of video content as well. Just take a look at some of these incredible YouTube statistics:
- YouTube has over a billion users
- On mobile, the average viewing session is now more than 40 minutes.
- More than half of YouTube views come from mobile devices.
- YouTube overall, reaches more 18-34 and 18-49 year-olds than any cable network in the U.S.
In fact, the only channel that sees more daily hits than YouTube is Google. YouTube is also the #2 search engine in the world.
Right now, YouTube has been projected to handle approximately 500 hours of content being uploaded to the site each minute. A giant growth from 2007 when the site launched and saw an average of 6 hours of content uploaded per minute. It’s really no surprise YouTube has been experiencing such a giant growth in it’s following and content, and it’s not just benefiting YouTube’s bottom line. Both brands and individual people have been able to benefit from it. YouTube stars have benefited greatly from exposure YouTube can create. Just recently YouTube star Casey Neilstat announced that his video app Beme had been acquired by CNN and he would begin to make content for them.
Marketers are Taking Notice
As a result of the two topics already discussed, video is set to play a large part of the strategy plan for brands and marketers in 2017. According to a survey taken by Hubspot, content distribution channels that marketing companies and businesses are planning to use for marketing efforts in 2017 goes as follows:
- 48% YouTube
- 39% Facebook video
- 33% Instagram
- 20% Messaging apps
- 15% Podcasts
- 13% Snapchat
Beyond the heavy social media presence, every single one of these distribution channels have a large video component with the exception of podcasting. Of course, there’s a reason why marketers are starting to love video, because video provides results.The important thing to note about video marketing is that now because it’s everywhere, it’s not limited to just the ‘big’ brands. Small and local businesses can and should get into video marketing because they can dramatically increase traffic and conversions with something as simple as a 2-minute video shot from a smart phone. Massive amounts of technical knowledge, budgets, or equipment aren’t needed. It’s easy to see why video is getting huge.
How Are You Going To Capitalize On The Video Boom?
The real question is, what is your brand going to do to take advantage of high conversions and low cost of video marketing? Now is the best time to do it, and every second wasted is a potential lead lost. Any brands that aren’t already jumping on the video marketing bandwagon now, are only going to be left behind in the next year. Is your brand already seeing success with video marketing? If not, look no further than Local Blitz Marketing to help boost your video marketing presence. Local Blitz Marketing is an Internet Marketing Company focused on bringing value by building digital sales funnels for the companies that need it most….small and medium. We are here as a resource for companies that are not large enough to have an internal digital marketing but understand the importance of digital marketing. We have testimonials from satisfied clients in a variety of different niches (Real Estate, Automotive, E-commerce and countless more) and truly stand behind the work we do. There really are no short term goals, only long term strategies that actually work and get you results.