San Diego SEO Company Local Blitz

lb background San Diego CA

Our Approach as an SEO Company

A little-known fact is that the San Diego market is one of the most competitive SEO arenas in the world, making it a constant battle for a San Diego SEO Company like us at Local Blitz.  The great news about this is that we have been getting results for clients needing SEO services in San Diego since 2009 and we thrive in the chaos that is the ever-changing SEO landscape.  Our approach to SEO is simple, keep up to date with the latest SEO trends, let the data tell us what to do, and remain transparent at all times with our clients in San Diego County and elsewhere.  With this mentality, we have built a business serving clients all over San Diego County and Southern California and continue to get clients the SEO results they set out looking to achieve!

We have worked with many different business types throughout San Diego. Some of these businesses just want to focus on their local area, while others want to approach the entire San Diego SEO market.  Either way, we have you covered!  As a search marketing agency, we have worked with healthcare, roofing, plumbing, foundation repair, auto glass replacement, e-commerce, and countless other business niches to get them the SEO results they seek.  We make sure that we are transparent every step of the way and ensure at the start of any project that our new client's expectations and our ability to deliver on those expectations are in line.  We accomplish this by pinning down specific client KPIs as soon as we start the project.  We do not operate in the arena of “cookie cutter” SEO options that one size fits all. We know that every single business that we speak with has completely different needs.  With this in mind, we take the approach of putting together custom SEO solutions in San Diego and many other markets across the country.  This allows us to better serve our clients and ensure that we are all speaking the same language from the get-go.

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The San Diego ‘Blitz SEO' Process


digital marketing agency

Not unlike any other business, we have worked for years to perfect our processes and continue to do so every single day.  SEO in San Diego is a moving target to be certain.  Google is constantly updating their search platform which requires our team to be constantly researching and testing SEO tactics to figure out what's working and what's not for our clients.  Whether it is a Local SEO vs Organic SEO campaign or a regional or national SEO campaign, it takes solid processes and a great plan to get results with SEO these days, which is exactly why we make this a focus every day.

Discovery Phase

While every phase of the project is important, the SEO discovery phase may be the most important of all.  This is generally our first contact with a new client and we must get it right from the start in order to make gains with SEO.  This is the point in the project where we really start to hone in on client KPIs (key performance indicators).  What are you, the client, actually trying to accomplish?  Most clients know they want to “rank page 1” for something, but based on this conversation we will dictate what that something is and how to go about tracking it.  Some clients want phone calls, some want online sales and we need to figure this out first to ensure that we are all speaking the same language during the SEO campaign.


Strategy Communication Phase

Now that we have our discovery phase complete, it's time for our team to get to work putting together a strategy and then communicating it to the client.  Some things we have to think about are: how will we determine ROI with SEO, what will our onpage vs Offpage SEO strategy be, and if we are working on Local SEO, what steps might we take for optimizing Google My Business for Local SEO. This is all just the tip of the iceberg!  At Local Blitz, we have become pretty good at communicating what needs to be done in a simple an succinct way, so have no fear of drowning in too much SEO jargon!

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Project Kick Off Phase – Where the Strategy Comes to Life!

This is the part in the project after we have communicated the strategy and it's time to get this thing off the ground!  At this point, we generally have a call with the new client to ensure that both of us have everything we need and understand how everything is going to work.  Specifically, we want to make sure that the client understands our reporting process and who to reach out to in the event that they have some sort of question about the project or other elements for digital marketing that we may be working on for them.  This is where it starts to get fun… at least for us!

Implementation Phase

Now that we have done all of this talking and planning, it's time to get to work!  The implementation phase is when we start to implement all the SEO work that we have outlined during the other phases. With the KPIs in mind and everyone on the same page regarding communication, our team is ready to get to work. We like to come out the gates running and quickly start chipping away at all of the items that will get you results. This is one of our favorite parts as an SEO Agency!!

Performance Review – The Reporting and Review Phase

As we begin chipping away at implementation phase tasks, we will also start diving into the reporting and review phase.  While our team looks at client projects constantly, this is where we review internally and ensure we are reporting on the timelines that we have agreed upon with the client and on the specific KPIs that are important to them.  It is crucial to get this part right so that we as a team know we are moving the needle and can effectively communicate that to our client.  Many SEO companies have generic reporting that automatically goes out to clients every month, but that's not how we work at Local Blitz.  We actually analyze the data based on client KPIs and then send bullet points and supplemental information to the client so they understand exactly what is going on every step of the way. Our focus on transparency isn't about just communicating data that leaves you confused, but synthesizing that data in ways you, the client, can understand and actually use. This is why we have some of the highest client retentions in the SEO market, with many clients working with us for over half a decade at this point!


Types of SEO Campaigns

Local SEO in San Diego

Simply defined, local SEO is an SEO strategy that focuses on a local market(s), immediately surrounding your business or multiple locations in different geographies.  For instance, if you are in a metro area, then Local SEO may focus on a portion of that metro area to ensure that you get as much exposure as possible in your area. Generally, a Local SEO campaign focuses on optimizing Google My Business for Local SEObuilding citations for local SEO, and a variety of other things to get results in your local market. For example, this might mean creating new SEO focused content and/or improving on page SEO.  The key here is to focus on the local area and choose the best search terms to get your business as much exposure as possible in the right way.  While the above mentioned is only the tip of the iceberg on what it takes to get results with Local SEO, these are some of the high-level deliverables we put in place to get our local clients the results they desire. Many clients we talk to are not certain about the difference between Local SEO vs Organic SEO, but generally speaking, these are concepts that work in tandem with one another and are independent strategies in a comprehensive Local SEO campaign.

Regional SEO – to cover San Diego and small regional SEO needs

Regional SEO is just what it sounds like; we focus on a region rather than one specific locale.  While Local SEO may work in tandem with regional SEO, that is not always the case. If we are working Local SEO and Regional SEO in tandem, many of the aforementioned Local SEO deliverables will come into play.  Additionally, to get results in Regional SEO, you must understand the importance of content for SEO. As a general rule, a fair amount of content will be generated by our team or by the client to get results in this arena.  Also, a fair amount of the work in this area will require both onpage and offpage SEO, which is a combination of optimizing content, building authority links to the website and sending as many signals to Google as possible to indicate what your website is about and what geographic area you serve (where applicable).

local seoo (1) National SEO

National SEO – SEO Strategies to Cover the entire country

National SEO calls for a similar approach to that of Regional SEO.  As an SEO company, we must determine whether the focus will be solely national and focused on organic listings or if the campaign will focus on both local SEO and national SEO.  Many clients that we work with have locations in multiple metro areas across the country which generally makes them a good candidate for local and national SEO. However, some clients just have a website that they want to get more exposure to on a national level, in this circumstance we would focus only on organic listings.  This may sound a bit cumbersome or confusing if you have never worked with an SEO company before, but one quick call will clear all this up so you know exactly how to proceed.

International SEO – SEO to approach International Markets

At Local Blitz, we have also worked Internationally, specifically in England. Many of the same concepts already described will be applied to the countries where you are looking to market and as with all other types of SEO, the International SEO will be a custom solution to you.  Generally speaking, we only work internationally in English speaking languages, though we have worked campaigns in other languages where the client created content that we then optimized.

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More about our SEO Agency

As previously mentioned, our position as an SEO company leaves us resigned to the fact that SEO in San Diego is one of the most competitive markets in the world. This being known we have honed in our processes, our continuing education, and built an amazing team that allows us to get results for our loyal clients in this competitive landscape known as San Diego, CA.  We understand that every client in San Diego, or elsewhere has a unique need, which is why we pride ourselves on listening to their unique business objectives and put together a San Diego SEO campaign that will move them towards their online marketing objectives.  We have worked with clients in San Diego that are all shapes and sizes and as an SEO marketing company, we would love an opportunity to speak with you about your SEO needs!

San Diego SEO Consultant

Some clients that we work with are simply looking for some direction with their SEO campaigns, which is why we also offer SEO Consulting Services in San Diego and bwyond!  As a San Diego SEO Consultant, we provide a roadmap for our clients and help them pin down important KPIs and teach them data points to review so they can gain long term results in the SEO arena.  If you are looking for consultation help with SEO, we are happy to help in any way we can.  While SEO is becoming more complex and technical by the day, we put together easy to follow roadmaps and ensure that our clients always feel supported!

Meet the San Diego SEO Team!

No SEO agency can implement effective campaigns without a world-class team.  Over the years we have built just that a team of professionals that work hard for our San Diego SEO clients and clients in many regions across the country and world.  Every team member has a unique role in our SEO agency, including SEO research, SEO implementation, SEO strategy and Project Management.  As a team, we focus on doing everything we can to get our clients results while remaining fully transparent…hello from our team to yours!