- New business announcement
- Just purchased an existing business
- Just sold a business
- Just merged businesses
- New service offering
- New product line
- New website
- Re-launch of an existing website
- Offering a discount on a product or service
- Events in news that tie into your product or service
- Discontinuing a product or service
- New research that ties into your product or service
- Something that makes your product or service unique to your industry or customer
- Price increase or decrease
- Announcing involvement in charitable event or activity
- Announcing an internship program
- Sponsoring a local sports team or athlete
- Sponsoring a local event
- Pro bono work done for a newsworthy client
- Releasing findings of a new study or research
- Offbeat or humorous news (e.g. “Kung Fu Squirrels Go Nuts in Africa”)
- Change in business terms (e.g. shipping policy/rates, new website terms)
- Business tips
- Top Ten List (e.g. top ten juicing recipes)
- Inspiration stories tied into you or your business
- Humorous stories tied into you or your business
- Commentary on new trends or technology that may relate to your business
- Predicting new trends or technology that may relate to your business
- Receiving an award
- Giving an award
- Commentary tie in on someone receiving and award (e.g. Jack Nicholson receiving an Academy Award)
- A major accomplishment for you or your business
- Published a new eBook
- Published a new book
- Published a new newsletter
- Company anniversary
- Website anniversary
- Partnership anniversary
- Business relocation
- Business adding a new location
- New company name/announcement
- Responding to being named in a lawsuit
- Filing a lawsuit
- Announcing the acquisition of a new large client
- Announcing an appearance in the news
- Announcing an appearance on the radio
- Announcing an appearance on a podcast
- Appearance in print media
- Webcast appearance
- Announcing a television appearance
- Hosting or appearing on a webinar
- Hosting or appearing on a teleseminar
- Announcing a media appearance of any kind
- Public appearance
- Speaking engagement
- Attending a conference
- Keynote speaker
- Sponsoring a workshop
- Sponsoring a fundraiser
- Sponsoring a seminar
- Hosting a contest
- Funding a scholarship
- Contributing to a scholarship
- Partnership agreement with another business or organization
- Hiring of a new executive
- Announcing a promotion in the company
- Retirement of an employee or executive
- Death in the company
- Employee resignation
- Change in the way a product is manufactured
- A new technology or process within the company
- New company image
- Change in current branding
- New brand
- New company logo
- Restructuring a company
- Exposing industry scams
- Holiday related sale
- Holiday related event
- Making industry prediction countering or supporting industry experts
- Providing a quote or a sound bite relating to news relevant to your industry
- New use/application for your product
- Celebrity or public figure using your product
- Celebrity or public figure endorsing your product
- Hosting a tour of your facility
- Staff member receiving a new credential or certification
- Offering free product sample
- Offering free consultations
- Response to accusation against your industry or your company
- Setting a major goal
- Accomplishing a major goal
- Launching a rewards program
- Announcing a new referral program
- Schedule of upcoming speaking engagements
- Hosting a conference
- Announcing efforts to make your company more “green”
- Disproving common myths in your industry
- Taking your company public
- Taking public company back to a private company
- Transferring ownership of public company
- Reorganization of a public company
- Initial public offering and timeline to go public
- Filing a patent
- Being awarded a patent
- Commemorating an important milestone
- Exhibiting at a trade show
- Announcing a stock offering
- Tips sheet (e.g. handy tips for growing tomatoes, five easy steps to save for retirement)