25 Sales Stats You Need to Know..

 Email Stats 

1. Email opens increase after 12 p.m., with the most active period being between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. (MailChimp)

2. Tuesday emails have the highest open rate compared to other weekdays. (Experian)

3. 33% of email recipients open emails based on subject line alone. (Convince and Convert)

4. Subject lines with more than 3 words experience a drop in open rate by over 60%. (ContactMonkey)

5. Personalized emails including the recipient’s first name in the subject line have higher open rates. (Retention Science)

6. For B2B companies, subject lines that contained the words “alert” and “breaking” perform well. (Adestra 2013)

7. B2B customers have become desensitized to words such as “reports”, “forecasts”, and “intelligence”. (Adestra 2013)

8. B2C marketers who leverage automation have seen conversion rates as high as 50%. – eMarketer

Voicemail Stats

9. The average voicemail response rate is 4.8%. (InsideSales)

10. A team of 50 sales reps leave about 1,277 hours of voicemails per month. (RingDNA)

11. 15% of every sales reps’ time simply leaving voicemails. (RingLead)

12. The optimal voicemail message is between 8 and 14 seconds. (The Sales Hunter)

13. 80% of calls go to voicemail, and 90% of first time voicemails are never returned. (RingLead)

Phone Call Stats 

14. On the phone, tone is 86% of our communication. (ContactPoint)

15. On the phone, words we actually use are only 14% of our communication. (ContactPoint)

16. The best times to call are Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6:45 to 9 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. (RingDNA)

17. The worst times to call are Mondays from 6 a.m. to noon and Fridays in the afternoon. (RingDNA)

18. 80% of sales require 5 follow-up calls after meeting. (Scripted)

19. 44% of salespeople give up after one follow-up. (Scripted)

Social Media Stats

20. 96% of sales professionals use LinkedIn at least once a week and spend an average of 6 hours per week on LinkedIn. (The Sales Management Association)

21. 5% of B2B sales teams consider social media a successful lead generation method. (Ken Krogue)

22. Sales reps using social selling are 50% more likely to meet or exceed their sales quota. (Liz Gelb-O’Connor)

23. 73% of salespeople using social selling as part of their sales process outperform their sales peers, and exceeded quota 23% more often. (Aberdeen)

24. The best time to tweet is during commute times and lunch breaks; 1 to 3 p.m. and early morning, 8 to 10 a.m. (Buffer)

25. The best time to post on LinkedIn is during business hours, Monday through Friday from morning to midday. (Buffer)

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