Most business owners know what SEO is. They know it’s important for a website and many simply just accept this at face value. However, it’s important to understand why SEO is essential for businesses in the modern age. Actually, SEO has grown so important that it’s value goes beyond the search engine. Local Blitz has experts on SEO and is here with the reasons why every business owner should care about SEO.
SEO is More Important Now Than Ever!
Search Engine Optimization is important for so many reasons. A main reason being that the top of search rankings has a huge value for website owners. It’s estimated that three out of every four clicks from internet searches go to the top five positions on Google search rankings. Nine out of ten clicks from Google Search are going to the results on the first page. There are tons and tons of pages on the web that can match a potential keyword. A site that hopes to rank high for a particular word or phrase is going to have to make sure their site’s SEO gives them the best possible chance. The integration of mobile devices has also increased the importance of SEO. With smartphones and tablets, there are more searches being performed every second than ever before. With search engines beginning to deploy more specific algorithms for mobile and local search, there are new opportunities for previously un-ranked websites to reach the top of the results.
SEO is Necessary for Consumers to Find You
For most people living in the information age for so long, it’s easy to forget how complex the digital world is and that the internet works as well and as quickly as it does. The fact that there are trillions of pages of content out there and search engines can find that particular answer to a question, or that movie time you need within a few seconds. To those who take this for granted, go to a library and use the old, physical method of research. That should put into perspective for you just how important the internet and modern technology is. The ability to find information on any question within seconds has changed the access to knowledge in society. SEO allows the same process to work in reverse. Although there are billions of users on the internet and trillions of searches happening at any second, by using SEO, a website owner can make sure their content finds its intended target. Anyone that owns a website or is creating content needs to use SEO in their video descriptions, blog post titles, and image names if they want their work to be seen by the people most likely to be searching for it online.
Don’t have a website? No problem!
Most people think of SEO as something specifically for websites to get noticed in search rankings. However, SEO goes beyond that. Search engines pull up information other than a business’s websites. A business can benefit anytime they show up in a search engine even without an internet presence. Many mobile users search for businesses to get directions or phone numbers. Just by having a Google My Business account or a similar profile listed somewhere online, a business can benefit from people searching online without even having a website. Google My Business and Google Maps make ranking without a website that much easier. A business with a Google My Business account can add phone numbers, images, descriptions and more than can show up in a mobile search by consumers near the business. Also, Google will be able to show reviews from customers and directions with data they have in their network. Using keywords in descriptions for the Google My Business account, businesses can be found by even more consumers who are looking for a specific service. So whether you’re a small business or a large one, SEO can significantly help increase the number of customers/clients you bring in.
To be honest, SEO isn’t just a Google exclusive, or even just a search engine thing. To be able to search through content is necessary for any site with a lot of pages. Shopping platforms or social networks rely on search options to streamline users needs and help them find what they need. Using good SEO is the best way to make sure a particular piece of user-generated content gets seen on a very large network. Good SEO can even make e-commerce sites more effective by helping consumers find the products they really want. Just as getting top placement on Google search rankings matters, it’s valuable for sellers to be at the top of the list for Amazon and eBay searches. Similarly, business owners that want consumers to find their pages and content on social media should use good SEO in their page or profile descriptions and in post content. The internal search on platforms usually isn’t as robust as Google but they are good enough for catching the right keywords to determine the best page or content for a searcher. In time, these searches will grow more advanced. Facebook just recently announced several updates to its search capabilities and soon, more social media and e-commerce sites should be following in their footsteps.
Local Blitz is here for your SEO and digital marketing needs. We are here as a resource for companies that are not large enough to have an internal digital marketing but understand the importance of digital marketing. Local Blitz Marketing is an Internet Marketing Company focused on bringing value by building digital sales funnels for the companies that need it most…small and medium. We have testimonials from satisfied clients in a variety of different niches (Real Estate, Automotive, E-commerce and countless more) and truly stand behind the work we do. There are no short term goals, only long term strategies that actually work.