How PPC and SEO work together

How PPC and SEO work togetherWith people new to SEO, I find myself often times explaining how PPC and SEO work together.  The reality of the situation is the Google Ads and Organic results both have a direct effect on one another.  While many people looking for an SEO company are simply looking for Local and Organic SEO results, running a Google Ads campaign in tandem with your SEO efforts is generally a good idea for a variety of different reasons that we will outline in this article.

Increased Page Placements

When putting together a search marketing and advertising strategy for clients the general goal is to get as many qualified eyeballs on their online assets as possible.  While I am certain you have heard things like “We guarantee first-page placement on Google” or “Get increased traffic guaranteed”, trust me we get those emails too, the reality of the situation is that not all page placements are created equally and traffic doesn’t mean anything if it doesn’t convert.

With a true professional lens on the situation, a quality SEO company will be not just looking for first page placements, but rather for as many page placements as possible on converting search terms.  One of the ways to accomplish this is, of course, SEO, which can be a focus on organic and local listings dependent upon your type of business.  Another great way to gain even more page placements is to bid on the same keywords that you are approaching organically with highly optimized Google Ads search campaigns.  

This may seem like an obvious approach, but many novice SEO and search marketing teams are just simply trying to get SEO business and not effectively putting together robust search marketing and advertising campaigns for their clients.  The idea of search marketing and advertising is to gain as many page placements, as often as possible, on keywords and search terms that convert. That’s it, it’s that simple, and this is precisely why if it is realistic for a client to do so, we always encourage them to run managed Google Ads campaigns in tandem with SEO, for more page placements on high-value search terms for their business.

Targeted Traffic with Google Ads

Search Engine Optimization is one part science and one part art, which is why if you start digging in you will find a variety of opinions and theories floating about, especially with those new to the game.  While it is now estimated that there are roughly 520 variables that Google cycles through when deciding what it will or won’t serve you in a search query, we know one thing to be true. Targeted traffic via Google Search Ads will help your SEO efforts.

Why is this the case?  Well, think of it this way.  If you have a website that is about plumbing and your website is getting lots of traffic from plumbing related keywords, Google will likely start to understand that your website is indeed about plumbing.  With SEO there is only one thing we attempting to achieve, which is tell Google what your website is about and the geography your serve. One great way to accomplish this is by bidding on keywords with Google Ads that you are also approaching organically.  Google does not care whether the traffic is coming from paid sources or from organic sources. It just simply knows that when someone types in “plumber near me” that users come to your website and stay there a while. This concept is why running search ads and bidding on the same keywords that you are bidding on organically is generally a good idea to supplement your SEO efforts.

Wrapping It Up

As you have likely surmised, running managed Google Ads campaigns along with your SEO efforts is generally going to be a good idea.  While this article outlines a couple of major reasons to do so, there are a variety of other reasons that this should be done as well.  If you have a limited budget or the keywords are really expensive it may not be an option, but if it is at all realistic it is 100% something that should be worked into your search marketing and advertising strategy!  If you want more information feel free to Contact Us as we at Local Blitz are always happy to talk about our favorite topic….online marketing!

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