LinkedIN Advertising Best Practices

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LinkedIN Advertising 101

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Every online advertising platform has advantages and disadvantages.  Running a LinkedIN Advertising campaign is no different.  This particular article is meant as a 101 – so if you are an online advertising pro, this may not be the one for you.  However, if you are looking to get your feet wet with advertising on the TOP B2B platform its worth a quick read to get your pointed in the right direction with your LinkedIN ads.

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What are you trying to get out of your LinkedIN Ads?

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I have seen numerous situations where people launch ads on different platforms like LinkedIn with no real goals set.  This may seem obvious but is worth mentioning based on how much we have seen it as an agency.  Many people have the mentality that if they launch an ad the business will start pouring in.  It probably goes without saying, but I will say it, this is not at all how it works!

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Setting Goals for your LinkedIn Ads.

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  • What is a conversion for your business?
    1. A phone call?
    2. A form fill?
    3. A sale?
  • How will you effectively track these conversions?
    1. Will you use tracking phone numbers for phone calls?
    2. Will you use code to track your form fills?
    3. How will you know that the sale came from your LinkedIN ads?
    4. etc, etc, etc
  • Who are you trying to get in front of?  Obviously, LinkedIn is great for B2B – but who is the B to your B :)?
    1. Hone in on targeting
      1. We always recommend a couple of different audiences at a minimum.  Even if you “know” who your audience is. It’s important to make sure you are targetting the best avatars for your business.
  • How will you track ROI?
    1. See number 1, but if you don’t have an effective means of tracking ROI, how will you know what is working and what is not?
  • What types of ads are best for your goals?
    1. LinkedIn has many different types of ads and depending on your objectives, different ads may be better for different objectives.

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Analytics for LinkedIn Ads

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Let me tell you a not so secret, secret.  These giant companies that give you analytics on their ad platforms have a tendency to overstate the success of your campaigns with thier provided analytics.   Not all hope is lost though!  There are many great 3rd party analytics sources to use that are unbiased.  One of our personal favorites is CLICKY , this is a great alternative/supplement to your Google Analytics dashboard that you may be using to track results.  There are a multitude of different options for tracking links and 3rd party analytics to give you a better vision of what is and is not working.  If you are doing this type of advertising it is worth the investment.  Trust me – I do this for a living!

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This is just a quick look into what you should and shouldn’t do with online advertising platforms like LinkedIn.  These social media platforms make it easier and easier to get started and in turn make the platform more and more complicated at the same time.  Whether you are advertising on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, or some other platform, the same basic principals apply.

The key to successful campaigns is planning and testing.  In order to properly plan and test you need to have the right tools for the job.  If you went to build a deck and had a hammer and wood, but no saw you would walk away from the job and buy a saw, right?  Well, the same idea applies in the digital world, but sometimes to the novice the tools are not as obvious.  Before you throw away any money at online advertising, make sure you are able to implement the tips I have given in this short article at a minimum.  Of course, if this is out of the realm of your skillsets, you can always hire someone (cough cough Local Blitz).  I assure you that paying someone will be much less a waste of money than not knowing how to track the above.  Also, if someone tells you they will get crazy results in a very short period of time RUN!  There is no “on button” or proven playbook, that’s all just sales stuff.  If you want real results to follow what I have outlined and set a realistic timeline for success.

Hope this helps you to catapult your business on the LinkedIn platform!


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