How do Google Ads Work?

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Google Ads allow you to direct high quality traffic to your website by leveraging popular search terms and location. By using real time data and behavioral insights from potential customers, Google Ads can help you connect with potential customers in search of what you have to offer. They are available in a variety of formats including text, video, and responsive display. The Google Ads platform is based on a pay-per-click (PPC) model where advertisers bid on keywords and are selected based on the quality, relevance, and bid amount. Your ad will only be shown if it has a high quality score and appropriate bid. At Local Blitz we help customers leverage this complex system to create effective Google Ad campaigns.

Understanding Ad Rank and Bids

It’s important to note that Google Ad space is not simply given to the highest bidder. There is a complex, evolving algorithm that ranks ads based on their relevance, quality, and popularity.

Whether or not your Google Ad will be shown to a potential customer depends on several factors, described as an “Ad Rank”. The Ad Rank is based on a few criteria, including:

  • CPC Bid amount – The amount of money you are willing to spend on the ad
  • Quality Score – Google’s rank of the relevance of your ad based on key terms and other factors
  • Keywords – The list of keywords you would like your ad to be associated with. Read more about keyword research here.

Want help setting up or managing your Google Ads account? Set up a free consultation with our Google Ads Certified team.

Bidding Platforms

Google Ads is the most popular PPC (“pay-per-click”) bidding platform in the world. As a dynamic bidding platform, Google Ads is constantly evaluating potential advertisements and selecting outcomes based on a complex algorithm. Other bidding platforms include Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Bing and more. We offer bidding platform management as part of our comprehensive SEO management services.

Google Ads
what is PPC

What is PPC?

PPC, or “pay-per-click” describes a marketing model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked on. This means that you will only pay for an ad if it is actively being shown to potential clients. PPC is a tool that can help you build web visibility, increase traffic, and generate brand awareness with new potential customers. A pay per click bid can be anywhere from a few cents to a few dollars depending on the keyword and other factors. In order to create a successful PPC campaign, it’s important to select the right keywords, create relevant ads, and host optimized landing pages that help complete the goal. At Local Blitz we offer comprehensive Google Ad strategies to meet these objectives. Book your free consultation to learn more.

What is CPC?

CPC, or “cost-per-click” is a term that describes the overall cost of advertising within a platform. While PPC can be used to describe the way an ad is paid for, CPC can be used to describe the overall cost or return on investment of the campaign as a whole. CPC may be used to analyze Google Ad campaigns, Facebook, or Instagram marketing efforts. At Local Blitz we deliver transparent reporting on your CPC stats, as well as PPC information on specific ads and marketing objectives.  Get help setting up your Goolge Ads Budget or book a free consultation here.


PPC and CPC Costs Overtime

When working with an experienced SEO company, it is normal for your PPC and CPC metrics to fluctuate over time. As more of your bids win Goolge Ads auctions, your PPC will decrease. In general, Google rewards advertisers with high quality scores by offering lower costs per click. As your website continues to gain organic and paid traffic, your return on investment will rely less on higher bids and more on a high quality score.

Quality Scores

Your Google Ad quality score is based on multiple components. The higher your quality score, the more likely you are to have a successful Google Ad bid. Your quality score is derived from factors including:

  • Relevant Search Queries: How relevant your Google Ad is to a search query
  • Keywords: How relevant your Google Ad is to certain keywords
  • Landing Page: How relevant the linked landing page and web content is to the ad
  • Historical Performance: How often other viewers have clicked on your ads in the past

A higher quality score allows for more clicks at a lower cost. Need help improving your Google Ads quality scores? Read more about E-A-T Guidelines or book a complimentary consultation with our team to learn more.

Google Ad Types

The Google Ads platform allows advertisers to create multiple different ad formats. The most appropriate format for your campaign depends on your objectives. For example, if you are hoping to reach customers while they are browsing online, a display ad might be the most effective solution. An experienced Google Ads marketing company can help you distinguish between the different ad types available and select the highest performing options for your goals. You can choose from:

  • Google Search Ads: Google Search Ads target customers that are searching for keywords that are relevant to your offerings. You can include specific geographic parameters and in-depth keyword research to leverage this ad type.

Google Display Ads: Display ads are great for reaching customers that are browsing their favorite sites, watching YouTube videos, or checking email on Google Mail.

Google Display Network

The Google Display Network is one of the most expansive and wide-reaching digital marketing tools available today. Google Display Network ads can consist of video, text, images, banner ads and more. The Google Display Network is also designed to be responsive, meaning that your advertisement will perform differently according to the platform and other targeting parameters that you choose. While the Google Display Network is a powerful tool for presenting your message, it can be a complex process to initiate. Book a complimentary consultation to get started with your Google Display Network ads today.

Google Ads

About Local Blitz

Local Blitz is an SEO marketing company that specializes in Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, and email marketing. Our offices are located in San Diego and Indianapolis. We work with a  diverse range of clients across the real estate, home services, health care, and e-commerce industries. Meet our team or read our client testimonials to learn how Google Ads services can benefit you.